
13 Opiniones

Carmen De Jesus

04 diciembre 2024

04 diciembre


¡Calentadores solares sol nacional se ha ganado un lugar en mi lista de favoritos! Realicé una compra de mi calentador y quedé muy satisfecha con todo el proces...
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Christian Valentino

29 agosto 2022

29 agosto


Muy amable la persona que atiende,te informa bien y te saca de tus dudas!


Descubre lo que nuestros clientes dicen sobre su experiencia con nuestros servicios.

Good morning, commenting on the service and products of this company. The staff has the experience, and the adequate attention, they resolved each and every one of my doubts, I had already been looking in different places for the most suitable heater for some months but I found that in most of them they did not resolve my doubts, regarding material, durability, etc. In this place I found a very important quality for me, they never tried to sell me the most expensive heater, on the contrary I wanted to buy 2 240 liter heaters for different places, and I ended up buying one of 120 and one of 240 since with With the right questions they came to the conclusion that they did not need such a large heater in one of the places. The delivery was in a timely manner, with adequate attention and respect, I have been with them for a month now and until now they work very well, I have not needed to use the gas heater once, I highly recommend the service of this company. Greetings.

Carlos Gm

The person who attends is very friendly, informs you well and clears your doubts!

Christian Valentino

Excellent service, qualified, attentive, and efficient staff.

Daniel Gómez Jiménez

Comienza tu Proyecto Solar

En Calentadores Sol Nacional, nuestra misión es brindarte soluciones energéticas eficientes y accesibles para tu hogar o negocio. Nuestro equipo de expertos está disponible para responder todas tus preguntas y ofrecerte las mejores opciones según tus necesidades. ¡Conéctate con nosotros!